pave task force, hud, mary cummins, real estate appraisal, bias, discrimination, value, valuation, loans, fha, joe biden, white house, marsha fudge, meeting |
The first White House Interagency Task Force Meeting on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) was August 5, 2021. "Task Force members discussed how current appraisal practices are a significant contributor to the disparity in housing values. The practice of comparing properties within similar neighborhoods can be a proxy for racial demographics, which leads to the perpetuation and exacerbation of the legacy of segregation and redlining."
Racism exists. We should do everything we can to fight it. I fully support helping people of color buy and maintain homes. I've studied segregation, redlining and their effects on community. That said doing away with the main valuation method of assets used around the world would be ridiculous and destroy the economy and our government.
Matched pairs analysis is how ALL assets in the world have been valued since the beginning of civilization. It's how all real and personal property are valued, traded, insured, assessed for taxation purposes, bought, sold, used for loan collateral, used as a basis to settle court disputes... The government is the one who mandated that real estate appraisers compare like to most similar like. It's also called the sales comparison approach.
The purpose of the sales comparison approach using matched pairs analysis is to provide the "most accurate scientific measure of value." "The major supposition of the sales comparison approach is that market value of the subject is related to comparable property values within the same market area." This is how real estate agents and sellers determine a list price for a property. It's also how agents and buyers determine an offer price for the property. This is how the tax assessor assesses your property for taxation purposes. The sales comparison approach is the most accurate method to value homes for many purposes.
Based on what has been said by the Task Force members so far I am betting that they want appraisers to use only HIGHER sold comparables from areas with more valuable homes to appraise lower valued homes in areas with a higher percentage of POC. I am assuming this will only be for government and government insured appraisals, loans for POC but am not certain if it will be for everyone in certain areas of lower valued homes. Private banks and lenders would never go for this. Everyone knows the value of property is based on three main things, location, location, location. There are clearly major problems with this approach.
The actual value of property. "The fair market value is the price a home would sell for on the open market under normal conditions." Even if the government forces appraisers to use sold comparables from homes in Beverly Hills to appraise homes in East Los Angeles that will never fool home buyers or sellers. If you want to buy, can afford to buy a $100,000 home, you will look at homes for sale around that price range in an area you like. You buy the home with $10,000 down. It appraises at $100,000 which is market value determined by an appraiser. You get sick, lose your job, sell your home or lose it in foreclosure. It sells for $100,000 and the $90,000 loan is paid off.
Let's say instead you offered $100,000 on a home with $10,000 down payment but the appraiser said it was actually worth only $50,000. If you buy it for $50,000, you're okay. Instead you demand another appraisal using sold comps in a more valuable area maybe a beach front property to appraise a tear down shack in Pacoima. The next appraisal is $100,000. You again get sick...You couldn't sell it for more than $50,000 or were foreclosed upon. The bank just lost $40,000 which you now owe to the bank even though you have no home. Many of these loans are backed by the government. The government aka the taxpayer loses that money. The banks and government are in trouble when this happens to many people like it did during the Great Recession of 2008. We are at a home price peak so this is a major concern.
I bring up this example because this would be mortgage fraud. The appraiser and lender would be complicit. This actually happened and people were criminally convicted of fraud. One such case was Victor Noval who defrauded the US Government HUD of $60,000,000 in this scheme. They used HUD money to buy property whose value was inflated by a con artist appraiser using higher sold comparables in other superior areas and other tricks. HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo stated in response to this crime in 1997 per the Los Angeles Times "Any con artist who tries to rip off HUD and the American taxpayer will be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law." The taxpayer ends up paying for any loss in government backed loans. Any program to artificially inflate the value of homes to secure government insured funding would be bank fraud and fraud against the government. For the government itself to suggest these federal crimes is ludicrous!
Another thing to consider is that lenders make the loans then sell them so they can use that money to make more loans. No one would buy the loans if there is no market value appraisal. No one would know what they are worth except less than the loan amount. They'd sell at a huge discount if they could be sold at all. Investors also bundle these bank and government insured loans as mortgage backed securities and sell them in the secondary market to pension funds, investment funds... Again, what are they worth? We have no idea because there is no appraisal of its real market value. Generally investors look at market value of the property, loan to value ratios, loan balances, rates, equity, payment history, loan delinquency rate ... to determine value of the investment. No one would invest in these loans if they have no idea what they are worth. That's money lost for new home loans. Now new home buyers can't buy homes. You just shot yourself in the foot.
Let's say investors invest in these loans anyway and the economy flounders. People are foreclosed upon and lose their homes which sell for less than the loan balances. The banks and government lose money on the loans. Homeowners still owe the balance of the unpaid loans. The mortgage backed securities also sell on the stock market causing the stock market to dump. This happened in the Great Recession when all those loans went south. The banks and Wall Street had to be bailed out. Government then had to develop new regulations to make sure this wouldn't happen again. Here's an idea. How about not starting new programs which set homeowners, banks, investors, taxpayers and the government up for failure from the start.
What if POC in areas with mainly POC get a higher appraisal and then a larger loan using this new appraisal method? Do you raise their tax assessment value and taxes? That would raise the property taxes of neighbors pushing out poor and elderly people. Because home value correlates with home rent it would also raise corresponding rent of non owners who would have to move. Can wealthy people use this same new appraisal method to lower the value of their property to pay less property tax, give their spouse less in a divorce settlement or give the government less in capital gains taxes? What happens when POC get a bigger loan because of the higher appraisal but they can't afford to make the payments and lose their home? That happened during the Great Recession when home values appreciated quickly for real. While members of the Task Force stated POC would take that new make believe home equity money and invest in college educations, new businesses, health care, home improvement or retirement accounts to improve their financial situation and the community they invested in personal items instead. Our nation is still recovering from the Great Recession. This new appraisal method would open up an economic Pandora's Box while home prices and real home equity are already increasing rapidly.
The Task Force has 180 days to come up with a real plan. I hope someone who knows something about real estate appraisal, investments, loans and the economy speaks up before then. If not, it's the home buyers, home owners, banks, government and taxpayers who will be hurt by this mess of an idea.
#pavetaskforce #hud #realestateappraisal #bias #discrimination #value #valuation #homeloans #loans #fha #joebiden #whitehouse #marciafudge #meeting #August52021 #PropertyAppraisalandValuationEquity #PAVE #segregation #redlining #racial #occ #ftc #fdic #cfpb #fhfa #asc #susanrice
The rest of the press release is below. It's also linked.
"The group identified near- and long-term opportunities to advance equity in home appraisals that will help narrow the racial wealth gap and reinvest in communities that have been historically left behind. The Task Force Members will work together and consult with civil rights organizations, advocacy groups, industry, and philanthropic entities to drive change.
Additionally, Task Force members agreed that the scope of the Task Force will be to:
Ensure that government oversight and industry practice further valuation equity;
Combat valuation bias through educating the consumer and training the practitioner;
Ensure equity in valuation by making available high-quality data;
Create a comprehensive approach to combating valuation bias through enforcement and other efforts.
The Task Force is chaired by Secretary Fudge and Ambassador Rice, and includes cabinet-level leaders from executive departments and additional members from independent agencies. The Task Force will deliver a final action report within 180 days.
The Task Force membership is comprised of the following officials: (I added their names)
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (co-chair) Marcia Fudge
Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy (co-chair) Susan Rice
Director of the National Economic Council Brian Deese
Attorney General of the United States Merrick Garland
Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona
Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough
Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) Michael Hsu
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Jerome Powell
Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Lina Khan
Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Jelena McWilliams
Chairman of the National Credit Union Administration and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Todd M Harper
Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Dave Uejio
Director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) Sandra L Thompson
Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) James Park
Mary Cummins of Animal Advocates is a wildlife rehabilitator licensed by the California Department of Fish and Game and the USDA. Mary Cummins is also a licensed real estate appraiser in Los Angeles, California.
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