dia de los muertos, day of the dead, mexico, mexican, latino, altar, ofrenda, mary cummins, real estate appraiser, los angeles, california, real estate, appraisal, appraiser |
Free class in cultural appreciation in real estate! Sorry, no C.E. credit ;-) Dia de los Muertos or Day or the Dead is generally celebrated October 31 to November 2. If you're appraising a Latino home, you may see altars or "ofrendas" honoring their loved ones who've passed. The altars could include the loves ones' favorite food, drink, photos, memorabilia, flowers, candles... There is no special greeting so no need to say "Feliz Dia de Muertos" because it's a remembrance day. If you want to acknowledge their altar, you can say "es una ofrenda hermosa" i.e. "it's a beautiful altar" or "tiene una familia hermosa" i.e. "you have a beautiful family." They would appreciate it in English or Spanish. If you really praise their altar, beware because they will probably sit you down and stuff you full of wonderful food ;-)
Sometimes I enter a Latino home and see the ofrenda and someone will say "that's not mine. It's my grandfather's" when it's clearly their own ofrenda. As soon as I tell them in Spanish that it's lovely they're fine. Being Latino with Latino customs and speaking Spanish can get your discriminated against in the United States so many hide it. I can't tell you how many times I've been attacked just for speaking Spanish in public. Because I have light skin most don't know I'm Latino so I end up hearing so many racist things. That's why it's nice to show that you acknowledge and appreciate the customs.
Here is a virtual ofrenda I made for my family members who were born in Mexico City. This is not an authentic ofrenda which is more involved and elaborate. #diadelosmuertos #dayofthedead #altar #ofrenda #marycummins #diademuertos #mexico #family #latino #mexican #realestateappraiser, #realestate #appraiser #appraisal #spanish
Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.
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