Mary Cummins, Real Estate Appraiser, Animal Advocates, Los Angeles, California

Mary Cummins, Real Estate Appraiser, Animal Advocates, Los Angeles, California
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Showing posts with label pave task force. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pave task force. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2023

AEI Response to PAVE Task Force AVM. Appraisers Are Not Racists and Don't Lowball Blacks, Latinos, comments by Mary Cummins

UPDATE 11/03/2023AEI proves once again that HUD, US Government lied about appraisers allegedly low-balling people of color. This is exactly what appraisers have been saying all along. "We find that seemingly large differences in the share of under-valuations–appraisals where the appraised value is below the contract price– received by people of color are almost entirely or entirely due to differences in geographies where people, regardless of race or ethnicity, reside. When comparing appraisals for people of color to those for non-Hispanic white people within the same census tract, we find that there are no or minimal differences.

This analysis suggests that commonalities in people’s experiences in buying a home (e.g. first-time home buyer status) or local market conditions (e.g. the presence of a market frenzy or seller concessions) are far more important than differences in people’s race or ethnicity when it comes to determining who receives an under-valuation and who does not. This suggests that studies by FHFA, Brookings, or Freddie Mac with their singular focus on appraiser racial bias have misdiagnosed the issue." #AEI #americanenterpriseinstitute #marycummins #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #HUD

ORIGINAL: American Enterprise Institute (AEI) made some important independently researched statements in their comment letter about the PAVE Task Force, AVMs and real estate appraisers. It shows with verified facts the flaws in the research cited by PAVE. The research cited by PAVE was poorly done by the Urban Institute, Andre Perry then twisted to meet the agenda of UI, Perry. I have no issues with promoting the interests of black people. I'm Latino and promote the interests of Latinos, Blacks, Asians, women, lower income, homeless... I do have a problem with people falsifying research to promote an agenda with racist lies which hurt innocent people. Below are a few important issues raised in AEI's comment letter to the PAVE Task Force.

1. AEI stated First Time Buyers (FTBs) tend to overpay for properties. There are also more seller concessions. This would explain appraisals being at market value which is lower than contract price. I see this all the time because I appraise in these areas. It's not the result of biased, racist appraisers.

Urban Institute, HUD, PAVE stated that "racist old white male" appraisers were intentionally low balling blacks and Latinos. Their "proof" was a difference in contract price and appraisal values in census tract areas with more Blacks, Latinos. I'd commented at the time it was probably because there is a correlation between race and income. Whites make more money than blacks, Latinos. People who make more money have more money and buy more expensive homes in more expensive areas. Areas which are predominantly black, Latino are lower income areas with many first time buyers. 

"The presence of first-time homebuyers (FTBs) or the use of seller concessions could affect the sale price relative to the AVM. Our analysis in “Exploring Alternative Explanations for Appraisal UnderValuation” shows a significantly higher share of FTBs in tracts with lower levels of non-Hispanic White residents. This is significant because the literature shows that FTBs tend to overbid for a home by approximately $3,000, or about 1% of the contract price for the average home compared to repeat buyers and that they use a higher share of seller concessions, which can amount to 2.01-3% of the property price."

2. The letter noted that homes in lower priced areas that are more likely to be predominantly black, Latino are generally in lower rated condition which would be C4, C5 rating as opposed to C3 and above. I see this every day in my inspections of these areas. Again, it has to do with money. The more money you have, the more you will spend to properly maintain and upgrade your home.

"Even though the paper controls for home quality as measured by an exterior condition rating, we found in other work that exterior condition ratings can be quite different from interior condition ones. We also found that home interior quality can be a significant factor in the difference between an AVM and a home’s sale price and that for a small number of properties with extreme conditions that difference was significant."

3. The letter also again stated that AEI found no effect of race on appraisal value

"We have pointed out serious flaws in numerous studies that purport to show widespread appraiser bias or systemic devaluations of neighborhoods."

They suggest "To better measure and document appraiser racial bias, we once again propose reviewing every appraiser for racial bias and deliberate inaccuracies based on a comprehensive review of their past refinance appraisals. To that end, we have demonstrated a working methodology in “A Blueprint for Mass Screening Appraisers for Racial Bias and Inaccuracy Based on an Atlanta, GA Study” that could be implemented today by either FHFA, Fannie Mae, or Freddie Mac.Ultimately, the goal of public policy should be to identify biased and inaccurate appraisers and to prosecute the former and to educate and retrain the latter."

I fully support this. Please, fairly audit everyone's appraisals. I'd be the first to take racist appraisers out behind the woodshed. Take away their license, charge them with actual crimes and send them to prison. Stop blaming every appraiser for racism and bias. What really irks me is that these people are claiming racism and bias when they are doing exactly that to real estate appraisers. If you're against racism, bias, you should be against ALL racism or bias against everyone or else you're a hypocrite.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary, Cummins, #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, certified, single family, condo, condominium, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, fha, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, brea insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, 1073, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls, historical appraisal, facebook, linkedin


Friday, June 2, 2023

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris Lie About Appraisal Bias to Get Votes by Mary Cummins Real Estate Appraiser

mary cummins, real estate appraiser, real estate appraisal, los angeles, california,joe biden, kamala harris, pave task force, real estate, appraiser,appraisal,income gap

The Biden Administration continues to promote the false narrative of the racist and biased appraiser to the American public. Yesterday the White House released an alleged "fact sheet" titled "Biden-⁠Harris Administration Takes Sweeping Action to Address Racial Bias in Home Valuations." This "fact sheet" basically states that Joe Biden has solved the wealth gap among whites, blacks and Latinos by "cracking down" on real estate appraisers. That is a total lie. The wealth gap is caused by the income gap and not appraisers. The wealth gap is wider today than when Biden Harris took office. 

Research by American Enterprise Institute ( AEI Housing Center Response to Perry and Rothwell, 2021, How Common is Appraiser Racial Bias ) has shown using the government's own data that there is no racism in real estate appraisals. AEI has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the papers cited (Andre Perry) by Harris are fraudulent research with a false conclusion. 

The real issue is income inequality and not appraisals. Whites make more money than blacks, Latinos. Because whites make more money they have more money (wealth gap) and buy more expensive homes in more expensive areas than blacks, Latinos. Home value is based on location. Appraisers are not appraising them differently! The data cited in the papers uses robot appraisals and not real live appraisers. This is all politics to garner votes from blacks and Latinos. FTR I'm a female Latino.

The "fact sheet" states the PAVE Task Force was announced on the centennial of the Tulsa Race Massacre. This news is released on the first day of National Homeownership Month after Biden/Harris announced their run for re-election. Clearly political staging and timing for maximum effect to reach target voters. 

Biden stated the Task Force has been successful. In reality nothing has changed. Biden created a non-existent problem then stated he alone could fix it if elected. He was elected and now he claims to have fixed it in order to get more votes. Now he claims he's doing even more to fix the non-existent problem with new programs. Below are these "new" programs which are basically the same programs the PAVE Task Force, government announced months, years ago. He might as well add that he just ended slavery and just allowed women to vote.

1. Preventing algorithmic bias in home valuation. 

The Administration has stated that physical living breathing appraisers are biased. They based this false conclusion by looking at valuations, not appraisals, made by robots who have never seen the homeowners or homes. The robots don't know the race, color, gender...of the homeowners. They also don't know the home's condition, true size, true bed/bath count, amenities, specific location in a neighborhood (on a busy road, next door to the dump) or if it even still exists.

Now the Administration states they will find a way to prevent these robots from being biased. The robots are not biased! They're robots. Homes are appraised by appraisers and robots using a math formula. They compare the subject property to be appraised to other very similar homes in the same exact area which have sold recently. That's it! No race is involved ever.

Some today feel that an older home in fair condition owned by a person of color in say South Los Angeles should be comprable in value to a new home in excellent condition in Beverly Hills owned by a white person. They feel that would be more "equitable." They have specifically stated they want to increase the value of lower valued homes owned by blacks by using home sales from different areas farther away in "white areas" which are worth more. This would make every appraisal as worthless as any loan based on that appraisal. The real estate industry, investment industry, stock market and our economy would crash if this were done. Even the Appraisal Institute which generally cozies up to the government said this makes no sense ( ).

The best way to make sure AVMs aren't biased is to not use them for appraisals, loans or specific research. While they aren't biased against people they are biased against market value. The issue is GIGO i.e. garbage in, garbage out. In this case it's not enough data goes into the formula. They don't know or consider condition, view, upgrades, amenities, actual size.... This makes homes in inferior areas in poor condition worth more than market value. Homes with excellent views, upgrades, amenities...end up worth less than market value. All the AVMs today state they are never to be used as an appraisal. Then don't use them for an appraisal. Oddly enough the government is trying to make their own AVM but it's not accurate either.

2. Empowering consumers to take action against appraisal bias.

The PAVE Task Force announced months ago that they developed an appeal process for appraisals. This is false. Reconsideration of Value (ROV) has always existed. If you don't like the value of an appraisal, ask for an ROV. Give the appraiser three sold comparables of very similar homes in the same exact area which have sold recently and they will consider them. Based on my experience the borrower incorrectly thinks their home is worth more because one down the street or farther away sold for more. When they send me the comps they are either twice the size, in a totally different far away neighborhood or they never sold. A lot of this misinformation is caused by AVMs such as Zillow's Zestimate which is extremely inaccurate. Again, AVMs don't see the homes. We all know that Zillow is inaccurate.

Zillow over values homes in lower value areas. The problem is lower value areas have fewer sales. Zillow keeps going wider in their search to find recent home sales. They end up using higher value sales in superior areas farther away which have more sales. This is the cause of most ROV requests. This is also part of the cause of the many media articles about real estate appraiser bias. The borrower says "Well, Zillow said my home is worth x. You said it's worth less so you're clearly a racist who should be cancelled, sued and attacked!"

3. Increasing transparency and leveraging federal data to inform policy and improve enforcement against appraisal bias. 

The PAVE Task Force released data on appraisals for government backed loans. The government has always done this and legally must do this. Now they state they're releasing more data. Most importantly this data has been used to show that appraisers are not racist, biased in their appraisals, see linked research above.

4. Breaking down barriers to entry into the appraisal profession. 

Biden Administration likes to say there are too many white appraisers and he's solved that. Others like Cy Richardson with the National Urban League have actually said "appraisers are pale, male and stale" which is actually racism, sexism and ageism wrapped up in a pithy phrase. There is almost a similar amount of white appraisers as there are real estate agents yet no one complains about the agents. Biden states it's because it's too difficult to become an appraiser for blacks, Latinos. It's just as difficult for all appraisers who have also been complaining about the difficult appraiser trainee program for many years even before Biden was the President. Appraisers were working on a PAREA type program long before it was announced by the government. 

If you want to be a new appraiser you must be a trainee under a licensed appraiser for many hours. While I agree that the experience is great it's difficult to find an appraiser to be your mentor. Appraisers have nothing to gain and everything to lose by doing this. I've written an article about this. PAREA allows new appraisers to use other experience to become appraisers. While I support PAREA this is old news previously released by various appraisal agencies. 

Kamala Harris is the go to person on this issue because she's biracial and courted the black vote when she ran for President. Remember when she said she'd give $60,000,000,000 60 billion to Historically Black Colleges HBCs if elected? She was elected VP and could do that but she didn't. She's definitely not a real estate expert. After the fact sheet was released Kamala Harris released her version of the news to the media. “Home appraisals are meant to be fair and objective estimates of the market value of a property. However, far too often, they are not,” Vice President Kamala Harris said Thursday on a press call. “Black homeowners are more likely to have their homes undervalued than other homeowners. And homeowners in majority Black and majority Latino neighborhoods are almost twice as likely to be undervalued.”

What Kamala Harris stated is false per research using the government's own data. One anecdotal article by Fannie Mae stated there were more appraisals under contract value in lower income areas that have more blacks and Latinos. The correlation is not race. It's lower income borrowers buying lower valued homes. Fannie Mae even stated their calculations were not research and there was no conclusion as to cause. 

USA Today went on and included more absolute lies in their article. They even cited Junia Howell whose research is as flawed as Andre Perry. Again, homes in predominantly white areas are worth more than predominantly black, Latino areas because whites make more money, have more money and buy more expensive homes in more expensive areas. Based on Joe Biden's, Kamala Harris' logic, a new Rolls Royce with zero miles should sell for the same as a 1980 Ford Escort with 500,000 miles. They both have four wheels. To value them differently is clearly racism and bias. The government should sue Kelly Blue Book and the car industry for valuing them differently. (sarcasm)

While I support an honest and fair appraisal industry I don't support the false narrative of the racist white male appraiser. It's a lie. While racism, racists exist it has not affected appraisal values. I also don't support the promotion of the false narrative for votes or any other agenda. I'm a Democrat and will vote for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris again. They do more good than bad but I'm absolutely against their actions on this made up issue. It's very harmful to appraisers and the industry. Appraisers are getting cancelled, death threats, harassed over the Administration using appraisers as scapegoats for the income gap. It's the income gap, stupid! Fix the income gap and leave appraisers out of it. They won't fix the income gap because it's too expensive. Maybe the politicians don't want to even fix it.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary, Cummins, #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, certified, single family, condo, condominium, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, fha, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, brea insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, 1073, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls, historical appraisal, facebook, linkedin


Thursday, March 23, 2023

Biden Claims to Have "Fixed" the Alleged Racial Bias in Home Valuations but Didn't, by Mary Cummins

UPDATE: 03/24/23 Marcia Fudge just said the same thing in a video almost word for word. Notice how different her tone of voice is in this video compared to other videos. Here she is speaking slow, politely, calmly and even has an interesting accent which is very different than her normal speaking voice. She's not as sharp, condescending, abrasive, abusive or calling all appraisers and whites racists like she usually does. She is flat out lying when she says data proves that "appraisal bias is real." There is no data or research which proves that. There is research based on the government's data which proves it does not exist in the reports and valuations.

ORIGINAL: Today the White House claimed they "fixed" the alleged "racial and ethnic bias in home valuations." They claim the Biden-Harris PAVE task force has "fixed" the "wealth gap" among whites and blacks, browns related to home value. This is beyond misleading and couldn't be further from the truth.

Let me preface this by stating I'm a Latino Democrat woman who voted for Biden. I support Biden in most of his policies. I do not support his policies related to real estate appraisers and the appraisal industry. Biden, Harris merely created a non-existent problem to get black, brown votes. They stated they alone can fix the problem if elected. They formed the PAVE task force to fix the made up problem. Then they claimed they fixed the problem. Ta da! Pat on back. No easier problem to solve than a nonexistent one.

Nothing has really changed. The main reason is because the problem never existed. The "fixes" also already existed. Black, brown owned homes are worth less than white owned homes because of the income gap. It's a fact that blacks, browns make less money than whites. If you make less money, you have less money in general and less generational wealth. If you have less money, you buy a less expensive home than someone who makes more money. That less expensive home is in a less expensive area. Here is research provided to the PAVE task force which proves this . Appraisers are not appraising the homes differently based on race! People who make less money also buy and own less expensive cars. Are car values also the fault of "biased" real estate appraisers?

The release states "In just 12 months, the PAVE Task Force has made critical progress towards fully implementing the Action Plan, including by empowering consumers with new tools and greater awareness of appraisal bias; leveraging data to identify trends and crack down on offenders of appraisal bias; and supporting a well-trained and dynamic appraiser profession." Let's take a look at these three areas of "success."

1. "Empowering consumers to take action against appraisal bias."

They claim borrowers can now file a Reconsideration of Value if they don't like the value. Borrowers have always been able to file a ROV! I've seen ROVs for at least 30 years. HUD stated they're giving $54,000,000 to private non-profits to help them educate the public about ROVs and related items. A huge waste of funds that should have been used to solve the income gap problem and actually help people. This also shows the agenda of the private nonprofits receiving the funds. They will support this flawed idea to get millions of dollars.

2. "Increasing transparency and leveraging federal data to inform policy and improve enforcement against appraisal bias."

They've released similar data for at least 20 years. This is how people have been able to do research on appraisals and home sales, values. This research on this "new" data proved there was no racial bias by appraisers. It also proved that the values are based on location. Remember the three biggest indicators of value are location, location, location. This data proved that the main correlation between home value and borrower is income and not race.

3. "Cultivating an appraiser profession that is well-trained and looks like the communities it serves. The Administration is taking steps to remove unnecessary educational and experience requirements that make it difficult for underrepresented groups to access the profession and to strengthen anti-bias, fair housing, and fair lending training of existing appraisers."

They proposed adding education on bias as part of license requirements and it's not even final yet. This was already a requirement and had been a requirement since at least 1989. Appraisers were talking about using different types of experience i.e. PAREA, to get a license long before Biden was elected or any talk of racial bias. The apprentice experience program is difficult for people of every color and race. They still have not finalized a change in the requirements for experience. While they talked about making appraisers more diverse there has not been an actual change in the diversity of appraisers. Luring black, brown people to become a new appraiser in a market with no business that requires three years minimum experience to get work is actually a cruel thing to do to lower income people.

Most upsetting in this puff release is they mention the Austin lawsuit in Marin, California, "Austins' home was appraised at roughly $500,000 more than its initial appraised value after having a white friend stand in for them. Earlier this month, the Tate-Austins settled a housing discrimination lawsuit." They forget to mention that the Defendant not only didn't admit wrong doing but there was no wrong doing on the part of the first appraiser. They assumed the second appraisal was correct when it wasn't. The first appraiser only settled because of legal fees and harassment which the Federal government encouraged and aided. Having a white friend stand in for them had no effect on value. They requested another appraiser and appraisal from the same AMC. That appraiser knew the borrower's target value and wanted to please the borrower for fear of a lawsuit and AMC, lender to keep getting work.

This entire issue of alleged bias in appraising is beyond frustrating, maddening and sad. It makes me wonder how many other fake problems were created in politics just to get votes. How many other "we fixed the problem!" statements were just fake puff statements like this one. The worst part is the administration hasn't helped the people who are suffering from the income gap among white and black, brown. It's clearly easier to call appraisers "racists" and blame them for the wealth gap than fix the real problem of income disparity.

*I'm using "black," "brown" because that is what the release states to be clear.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary, Cummins, #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, certified, single family, condo, condominium, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, fha, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, brea insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, 1073, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls, historical appraisal, facebook, linkedin DISCLAIMER:

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Appraisal Subcommittee Hearing on Appraisal Bias January 24, 2023, notes by Mary Cummins

Appraisal Subcommittee Public Hearing on Appraisal Bias, January 24, 2023, marcia fudge, mary cummins, asc, hud, real estate appraiser, pave taskforce, cfwb, jim park, race, racial bias, discrimination, black, brown, white, value, neighborhood, appraisal, valuation
Appraisal Subcommittee Public Hearing on Appraisal Bias, January 24, 2023, marcia fudge, mary cummins, asc, hud, real estate appraiser, pave taskforce, cfwb, jim park, race, racial bias, discrimination, black, brown, white, value, neighborhood, appraisal, valuation

Appraisal Subcommittee Hearing Meeting about Appraisal Bias in Residential Real Estate Market ASC notes, comments by Mary Cummins. Part of the meeting was on C-SPAN 2.

Time: 2:10:35

“Streamed live on Jan 24, 2023. Join the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) for a hearing about appraisal bias. Invited witnesses representing key stakeholder groups will share their views with the ASC during the hearing.”

Official information and files.

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) held a hearing about appraisal bias.

"This first-ever ASC hearing was led by Deputy Director Martinez and ASC Executive Director Jim Park. HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, and FHFA Director Sandra Thompson also participated in the hearing. Panel witnesses included:

Dr. Junia Howell, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois Chicago; Witness Testimony. It'd be better to read her testimony because she was extremely nervous, waving her arms around wildly, misspeaking and acting agitated. Most upsetting and more importantly she stated some totally false and ignorant things. She said the sales comparison approach was developed in the 1930s by whites in the US government to intentionally value white owned property higher than POC owned property. She doesn't even realize that most living in areas which were, are primarily POC especially back then were, are renters and not owners. There are also poor white areas in the US. How does she explain that? The sales comparison approach to value is the main method used to value all assets all over the world since the beginning of time. She said the government should basically give more money to her to do more deeply flawed "research." It appears that all speakers had to swear to the host of the meeting that they will only agree with the government's incorrect and preconceived ideas on the issue of the alleged "appraisal" and wealth gap. She's so ignorant she doesn't realize it's caused by the income gap and not appraisals. Lots of independent research out there to prove this. People buy homes they can afford. People who make less money but less expensive homes.

Paul Austin and Tenisha Tate-Austin, homeowners from Marin, California; Witness Testimony

Michael Fratantoni, Senior Vice President of Research and Technology and Chief Economist, the Mortgage Bankers Association; Witness Testimony

Craig Steinley, President, the Appraisal Institute; Witness Testimony

More information about the Appraisal Subcommittee can be found here" 


Time: 6:29 Introduction by Zixta Martinez Chair of Board of ASC and CFPB. Jim Park will talk about ASC. We’ll hear from a panel of witnesses, a home owner, lender, appraiser and academic. She introduced Marcia Fudge head of HUD.

Time: 9:28 Honorable Marcia L Fudge of HUD and PAVE. I'm only going almost word for word what Fudge said because it's so important. Fudge makes her own personal bias very clear in what she said and the falsehoods she stated.

Fudge said “good morning” and got a mild response. She basically responded she didn’t like the mild response and again said “GOOD MORNING!” and everyone then responded with “GOOD MORNING!” It set the tone.

Since day one the Biden Harris administration has worked to root out bias in the appraisal system. The work is critical to advance racial equity. It’s important to me as secretary of HUD and as a black woman. I know first hand what it’s like to be told that your home is worth less than the house down the street because of the color of your skin. It’s heartbreaking to hear the stories of black and brown families who feel forced to remove family mementos and photos in hopes of receiving a fair and accurate valuation. I do not intend to do that!

Fair Housing Act of 1968 was to end housing segregation. Owning a home should provide a path to the American dream. Instead this country does not see us as equitable. June 1, 2021 100 years after Tulsa Race massacre Biden and Harris established PAVE task force a first of its kind initiative to root out racial discrimination in the home buying process so families of all backgrounds and neighborhoods can have a better chance at building generational wealth. Less than a year after PAVE was established we delivered an action plan which constitutes set of reforms to advance racial equity in the home appraisal process. We want to cultivate a well trained and diverse work force, to make sure technology doesn’t perpetuate bias. HUD made $28M available to fund testing, education, and outreach to communities on appraisal bias. Next week we will start a three part webinar on training for appraisers and housing professionals on how to identify bias and protect homes. We, (pointing to herself), know how to identify it as we see it every day. We are giving an avenue for FHA loan seekers, if they believe their appraisal was skewed by racial bias. You can make comments on our drafting table platform. Please, make comments. 

I’m going to say things not in my script because I live this every day. I live in a black community by choice, BY CHOICE! I want kids in my neighborhood to get same schools as properties next to me. You do that by property tax even though I think it’s unconstitutional, that we fund schools by property tax. I want same police, fire protection but you can’t do it if my house is valued at $50,000 less than the house next to me. Two doors from me there is a neighborhood that is all white. My house is bigger, my lot is bigger, my house is nicer (laughter). That (other) house is valued more than mine. This is not the America that we should be living in, in the year 2023. It is a travesty, outrageous and we must change it. I’m hopeful the ASC will do what is right for the American people.15:44.

Mary Cummins comments. Homes are not valued differently because of the color of the skin of the owner, borrower or occupants. It's a mathematical formula based on most recent similar sales in the same neighborhood. Appraisers don't know the color of skin of homeowners, borrowers, tenants, buyers, sellers. We don't see the borrower, buyer and definitely don't know who owns properties in the area we use as comparable sales. We don't look at census tracts. We don't know race or color. It's possible all the owners of the homes we used as comp sales for a property owned by a black person were white. That would mean Fudge's false narrative holds no water. 

Fudge states she wants home values and their property taxes to increase. Many poor people would be forced to sell their property and move if property taxes were increased to the level of newer more luxury expensive neighboring properties.They wouldn't even be able to sell their property for the higher non market value. That would be beyond unfair and cruel.

All real estate agents tell all home owners of every color to remove personal articles such as photos, collectibles and other items from their home.It shows the home bigger and better. Buyers don't want to see any homeowner in the home. They want to envision themselves in a blank slate of a home. It's not about race.

HUDs PAVE report was late. It was due in six months. Fudge acts like she finished it early in less than a year. Nope. Late. 

Appraisal appeal, reconsideration of values have ALWAYS been available to borrowers forever. They can appeal based on any reason. They have done this. This is not about bias. Research by AEI based on government loan documents proved there is no effect of race on home value. They used the government's own data to show this. AEI presented this to the government in the meeting about the PAVE task force. 

AVMs Automatic Valuation Methods do not consider race or color of homeowner or borrower. It's a math formula, technology computed by robots. No human is involved. The math formula is not based on race or color. It's based on location, size, age. It does not know condition, view, upgrades, amenities, true size, additions, lot type, location in neighborhood... AVMs value homes in poor condition higher than market. It values upgraded homes with views lower than market. AVMs aren't accurate. They are BIASED against everyone.

Fudge brought up her home value previously. She said her home is worth less BECAUSE SHE IS BLACK. I included it in a past article with address and attributes. I included a valuation of her home and of the NEW, LUXURY homes up, across the street from her. It's a private development of new luxury homes tucked away off the main street. I have no idea if the homeowners are all white. I doubt Fudge does either. Has she visited all of them personally? They're new so they're not in the census report. There is a reason why those homes are worth more. They're new, luxury, in a new development, with a clubhouse, off the main street... Not all homes of the same size in the same county are worth the same. An old run down home in South LA is worth less than a new one of the same size in Beverly Hills. If Fudge doesn't know this, she must resign because she's unqualified. I know she knows this and is just lying for effect. She's a politician working for politicians selling lies for votes, money and promotions.

The real reason why homes owned by whites are worth more than homes owned by black, brown people is the income gap. People who make more money have more money, more generational wealth and can buy and own more expensive homes. THIS IS THE REAL ISSUE! The government needs to fix the income gap then the wealth gap would solve itself. Men also make more than women. Blaming appraisers will never fix the real issue. The government can't fix the problem (if there even is one) until they admit the real cause of the problem. The first step Scientific Method to solving problems is to determine the actual problem.They clearly don't want to fix the real problem. That means the government doesn't really care about POC or the poor. They need to stop pretending like they do care when they clearly don't. You can yell at appraisers all the live long day and that won't solve the problem. 

I'll post notes from rest of the meeting letter. I will also be sending in a comment. I see some of the speakers are the Austins from California. I have covered their case since the beginning. In their linked statement they said they wanted the appraiser to use comps from the "white area" instead of their immediate neighborhood which they said is a "black area." Who are the racists here? 

There were five witnesses who basically read word for word their submitted statements linked above except AI Craig Steinley. He omitted a large portion of his written statement. I think he omitted it because he didn't want questions and to get under five minutes. While other speakers said we need to get rid of the "racist" government mandated sales comparison approach AI's statement said they are adamantly opposed to that. Their statement says the approach is based on valid and accurate economic principles which it is. That is how all assets in the world have been valued forever because it is based on supply and demand between buyer and seller. I'll do a short summary in a few minutes anyway. 

After that ASC members were allowed to ask ten minutes worth of questions each.

Email after the meeting

“Yesterday the Appraisal Subcommittee held its first ever Hearing on Appraisal Bias, hosted at Consumer Financial Protection Bureau headquarters in Washington D.C. 

The event opened with remarks by U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia L. Fudge. ASC’s Executive Director James Park spoke on the agency’s role in the appraisal regulatory landscape. 

Attendees, both in person and on the livestream, heard testimony from Dr. Junia Howell, University of Illinois-Chicago, homeowners Paul Austin and Tenisha-Tate Austin, Michael Fratantoni, Chief Economist, Senior Vice President, Research and Industry Technology, Mortgage Bankers Association, and Craig Steinley, President of the Appraisal Institute.

Now ASC wants to hear from you! You are encouraged to provide a comment on your perspective on or experience with appraisal bias; comments can be submitted to until February 8, 2023.”

Four of the five witness speakers, Appraisal Subcommittee Public Hearing on Appraisal Bias, January 24, 2023, marcia fudge, mary cummins, asc, hud, real estate appraiser, pave taskforce, cfwb, jim park, race, racial bias, discrimination, black, brown, white, value, neighborhood, appraisal, valuation

Witness Dr Junia Howell, Appraisal Subcommittee Public Hearing on Appraisal Bias, January 24, 2023, marcia fudge, mary cummins, asc, hud, real estate appraiser, pave taskforce, cfwb, jim park, race, racial bias, discrimination, black, brown, white, value, neighborhood, appraisal, valuation

Tenisha Tate Austin, Paul Austin, Appraisal Subcommittee Public Hearing on Appraisal Bias, January 24, 2023, marcia fudge, mary cummins, asc, hud, real estate appraiser, pave taskforce, cfwb, jim park, race, racial bias, discrimination, black, brown, white, value, neighborhood, appraisal, valuation

ASC members, Appraisal Subcommittee Public Hearing on Appraisal Bias, January 24, 2023, marcia fudge, mary cummins, asc, hud, real estate appraiser, pave taskforce, cfwb, jim park, race, racial bias, discrimination, black, brown, white, value, neighborhood, appraisal, valuation

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary, Cummins, #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, certified, single family, condo, condominium, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, fha, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, brea insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, 1073, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls, historical appraisal, facebook, linkedin DISCLAIMER:

Saturday, March 26, 2022

AEI Reply to Pave Report, Andre Perry's misleading research and Freddie Mac's paper

Joe Biden, HUD, Marcia Fudge repeatedly cite Andre Perry's misleading paper on race and home values. Perry's paper is not published or peer reviewed research. It's deeply flawed in its execution and analysis. Race is not related to home valuation. Socio-economic status is related to income which is related to race which is related to the value of a home bought by a POC. Blacks make less money than whites. People with less money buy less expensive homes. The value of those homes are not being reduced by appraisers, appraisals or AVMs. 

This is a very well researched and written reply to Andre Perry's misleading paper. Perry conflates race with socio-economic status. SES is income, marital status, % single mothers with children under 18...) If you adjust for SES, the differences disappear. If you compare whites with low and high SES, the gap appears. This proves it's not a race issue but an income, SES issue. 

It's vitally important to know the real cause of the wealth gap between black and white so a proper solution can be applied. I've been stating that we need to fix the income gap to fix the wealth gap. Helping people with lower SES pay for a down payment won't help them down the line if they don't have enough income to easily make the mortgage payments. You just set them up for failure and bigger financial losses. This research is from Edward Pinto and Tobias Peter of from American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

This research brings up more flaws in Andre Perry's paper than I stated in my article about the research. Most importantly Perry intentionally did not include income stating it wouldn't affect the results. When income is included the value gap shrinks by half. Perry didn't include other important SES factors such as % single mother with children under 18. Everyone knows how expensive and difficult it is to work and raise young children as a single mother of any color. Perry also didn't include lot size, condition of neighborhood, condition of home, location next to natural amenities... I would bet Perry did this intentionally in order to show the results he desired. This is why his research was not published or peer reviewed. Perry's paper is advocacy for his own agenda masquerading as science and facts. Thankfully AEI took it upon themselves to independently review the research. 

Other interesting findings from their report.

"We find that with higher incomes, Black borrowers increasingly chose neighborhoods, in which the Black share of residents is lower." "If Black and White neighborhoods are identical in every aspect except for price and their racial makeup (as Perry et al. claim), then why are Black buyers not taking advantage of lower priced homes in Black neighborhoods? It must be that Black buyers understand that White neighborhoods do have more amenities and those who can do so are willing to forego the “cheaper” homes in Black neighborhoods in order to get those amenities."

Income and marital status matter. "The Black homeownership (HO) rate is much lower than the White HO rate, but the difference gets smaller as income grows. The HO rate for White or Black married households (HH) is much higher than for unmarried White or Black HH."

"There is a big disparity by marital status between Blacks and Whites. Unmarried Black HH comprise 70% of Black HH, and the vast majority are below area median income." Their research has also shown more integration and increased income among blacks over time.

"Diagnosing the causes of the home value gap, along with a recognition of decreasing racial and ethnic segregation and increasing Socio-Economic Status (SES) stratification, helps in the consideration of appropriate policy solutions that will increase financial security and shrink the SES gap."

They offer some sound solutions at the end of the report.This is the type of real scientific fact based data that Joe Biden and HUD needs to see and use. Using Perry's report harms POC and will not help them. Perry is harming black people with his dishonest paper. I only posted the first part. Click the link to see the full article with data, charts and statistics. 

"On March 23rd, the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity and, which is composed of thirteen federal agencies and offices, released its report entitled “Action Plan to Advance Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity: Closing the Racial Wealth Gap by Addressing Mis-valuations for Families and Communities of Color.”

Commentary on PAVE’s conclusion:

PAVE concluded that “Homeownership is often hindered by inequities within current home lending and appraisal processes, which research shows disproportionately impact people in communities of color.”

As noted in the Executive Summary, the report largely rests on three studies for its conclusion: (i) a report by the Brookings Institution, (ii) a note by Freddie Mac, and (iii) a blog post by FHFA.[1] In our work, we have issued lengthy critiques that discredit the first two studies (see our rebuttal to Brookings and to Freddie Mac) and now take the opportunity to respond to the FHFA study.[2] Here is a summary of our findings:

The Brookings and Freddie Mac studies are not based on rigorous data analysis. Most importantly, they conflate race with socio-economic status (SES), i.e. income, buying power, marriage rates, credit scores, etc. Race-based gaps found in the Brookings and Freddie Mac studies either entirely or substantially disappear when adjusting for differences in SES. Furthermore, our analyses show that similar gaps are present in majority White or White-only tracts across different SES levels, raising serious questions regarding a race-based explanation.[3] We also addressed a rebuttal from the Brookings authors to our critique. We found that Perry and Rothwell’s (2021) rebuttal to our critique supported our claim of omitted variable bias, failed to rebuke our methodology, and never addressed our case studies. We also presented solutions based on our findings. The Freddie Mac study took pains to state that its research was both “exploratory” and “preliminary”. Yet PAVE accepted Freddie Mac’s findings at face value, even though research by Fannie Mae provides a likely, non-race based explanation for the valuation discrepancy found by Freddie Mac. It is worth noting that Fannie Mae’s explanation casts a favorable light on the appraisal industry.

This conflation by both Brookings and Freddie Mac is of critical importance. While there is agreement regarding the symptoms observed by PAVE–racial and ethnic differences in the homeownership rate, the financial returns of owning a home, and median wealth levels–ascertaining the causes and workable solutions requires a competition of ideas.[4] PAVE excluded research that was inconvenient or inconsistent with the desired narrative and conclusion.[5]"

Read the rest here.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

Mary Cummins, Mary K. Cummins, Mary Katherine Cummins, Mary, Cummins, #marycummins #animaladvocates #losangeles #california #wildlife #wildliferehabilitation #wildliferehabilitator #realestate #realestateappraiser #realestateappraisal #lawsuit real estate, appraiser, appraisal, instructor, teacher, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Brentwood, Bel Air, California, licensed, permitted, certified, single family, condo, condominium, pud, hud, fannie mae, freddie mac, fha, uspap, certified, residential, certified resident, apartment building, multi-family, commercial, industrial, expert witness, civil, criminal, orea, dre, brea insurance, bonded, experienced, bilingual, spanish, english, form, 1004, 2055, 1073, land, raw, acreage, vacant, insurance, cost, income approach, market analysis, comparative, theory, appraisal theory, cost approach, sales, matched pairs, plot, plat, map, diagram, photo, photographs, photography, rear, front, street, subject, comparable, sold, listed, active, pending, expired, cancelled, listing, mls, multiple listing service, claw, themls, historical appraisal, facebook, linkedin DISCLAIMER:

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

PAVE Task Force Action Plan from White House Released by Mary Cummins Real Estate Appraiser

real estate appraiser,real estate,united states,pave task force,marcia fudge,white house,HUD,mary cummins,appraisal,joe biden,california,appraiser,los angeles,action plan,
real estate appraiser,real estate,united states,pave task force,marcia fudge,white house,HUD,mary cummins,appraisal,joe biden,california,appraiser,los angeles,action plan,

UPDATE: 01/22/2025 The Pave task force website was taken down by new President. The 2025 plan said he'd get rid of Pave but it doesn't really matter. Pave didn't really change anything. No need regs or laws were added that we didn't already have. All it really did was falsely malign and smear real estate appraisers. It was just political propaganda to false blame appraisers for the black white brown wealth gap. The real correlation is income. People who make less money are more likely to buy homes that cost less in areas that cost less.

ORIGINAL: PAVE task force report is out. The White House press release misquotes and twists the data to fits its agenda. It then goes into their issues. Nothing here that we didn't already know. It is sad to see the government continuing with the false racist white appraiser narrative. Racist appraisers exist but every appraisal you don't like is not the result of racism. 

For the 100th time, the cause of the wealth gap between blacks, POC and whites is the income gap. If you make less money, you have less money. If you have less money, you buy and own a less expensive house in a less expensive area. Real estate appraisers, automated valuation methods are not devaluing the homes of blacks, POC. They bought less expensive homes to begin with. If you want to solve the wealth gap, solve the income gap. Don't scapegoat appraisers and appraisals. It's clearly easier to blame appraisers than fixing the income gap which I realize is a difficult problem. PAVE claims they will solve the problem of bias in appraisals. There is none. The easiest way to solve a problem is to lie and claim a problem exists then you can say you solved it because it never existed in the first place.

White House Press Release

PAVE Task Force Action Plan Executive Summary

Actual PAVE Task Force Action Plan as pdf

Rooting Out Bias in Home Appraisals: The PAVE Task Force Action Plan to the President. Join Vice President Harris, White House Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge, and Americans who have been negatively impacted by the home appraisal process on new actions the Biden-Harris Administration is taking to root out bias and ensure that every American has a chance to build generational wealth through homeownership.

My comments on the full PAVE report are below. I'm sad to see the misinformation, false data and twisted interpretations made it into the final government report. I had hoped the final report would be fact and science based. It's mainly political talk to incite and appease certain groups. 

Pg 1. The report starts out with a fact. "Today, the median white family holds eight times the wealth of the typical Black family and five times the wealth of the typical Latino family." They should have followed that up by stating that whites make more money than blacks and Latinos.  This is the main cause of the wealth gap. 

Pg 2-3. They refer to Andre Perry's paper but don't mention his name or paper in the text. They merely list it as ref 2. Maybe they finally realize Andre Perry's paper was not independent, peer reviewed or published research. The pre PAVE reports listed him by name extensively. 

Pg 3 While referring to Perry's results they state "Recent research has identified appraisals as one of the drivers of the gap." There were no "appraisals." Zillow zestimates or AVMs were used. Even Zillow states their zestimates are not appraisals.  Zillow has the least accurate AVM which is just one reason the research is meaningless. 

Pg 3. They misquote the Freddie Mac research. Freddie Mac clearly stated they don't know the cause of the differences. "First, our analysis has not yet determined the full root cause of the gap." Danny Wiley of Freddie Mac stated "We have not reached any conclusion for cause of the gaps or correlation." The gap could have many causes such as revitalizing areas and condition. AVMs assume average condition, average everything. Perhaps the homes appraised by appraisers over AVM values were in better condition than average, better than average location, better than average view, upgrades...

Pg 3. They stated a recent analysis of appraisals for government insured loans revealed some contained racial or ethnic references. "From millions of appraisals submitted annually, a keyword search resulted in thousands of potential race-related flags." That is 1,000/1,000,000 = .001% or 1/1,000th of 1%. This is a minuscule amount. While there should be no such references they did not say or show the references affected the value. 

Pg 3. Appraisal gaps exist and are part of the natural market. They are caused by the historical approach to value based on closed sold comps. It happens to everyone in a quickly rising market. They infer it only happens to people of color POC. They state it negatively affects the entire community. No, it doesn't. It happens in a quickly appreciating market. It does not effect property value for property taxes. They also forget to mention that it affects areas where there are black, brown, white people. If it were only related to race, color, it wouldn't affect the white people in the same exact area but it does. 

Pg 4. Black home ownership rate is 44% and white is 74%. "Eliminating the gap in homeownership would help reduce the wealth gap." Agreed. That is accomplished by helping them increase their income. The more money you make and have, the more expensive house you can buy. These people think appraisers set the values of homes. We don't. Buyers, sellers do. We just report it. 

UPDATE: This blog article has been removed from Google search. I assume it's because of the below. The article was greatly shared because it proves that Marcia Fudge is incompetent and should not be head of HUD. If she's not incompetent and knows home values, then she's a liar and a racist. We really don't need a racist to fight racism by being racist to others. 

Pg 4. "I live in an all-Black community. My lot and house are bigger, yet my home is valuated at $25,000 less than the house two doors from me, which is an all-white community. The Biden-Harris Administration acknowledges that the communities of color like mine have lost billions of dollars solely through the appraisal process. We’re committed to taking meaningful action to increase homeownership and generational wealth for all. HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge."

Great, now I have to evaluate Marcia Fudge's house 26910 Emery Rd, Cleveland (Warrensville Heights), OH 44128, 3 bed 2.5 bath, 2,423 sf on 1.49 acres built 1952 last sold 1976 when she was 24. I assume this was her father's home. I think he died and left it to her as generational wealth because she was the only surviving child. I have a feeling her statement is not the truth. And it's not! Marcia Fudge appears to be comparing her older home to a newer development across the street, highway. This is the description of the newer development across the street. I have no idea if it's "all-white" as I have no way to know that. Should this woman be the head of HUD if she doesn't understand the fundamentals of real estate and real estate valuation? Here is Zillow's Zestimate 

Below is Marcia Fudge's home on the main highway.

Below is the gated community across the street.It's off the main road in a private dead end development.

"Fabulous model Quality masterpiece built by Skoda Construction with all the bells and whistles! Stunning chefs kitchen with High-end appliances, granite countertops, wood / Laminate flooring, tile, and more! First floor office, family room overlooking the stunning kitchen and backyard with a deck. Upstairs offers a fabulous master suit, second bedroom and laundry room. Finished lower lower, bonus room and full bath in lower level!! This is your opportunity to have your dream home in this Upscale Community! Clubhouse in development. 15 Year tax abatement at 75% of home only! IF you are Military, the 15 Year tax abatement is 100% of home only!"

Below is a map with values, home sales on it. You see the private development across the street. Homes there sell for $260K to $330K. Smaller vacant land in the development sells for $125K.

Pg 5 1.5 "Address potential bias in the use of technology-based valuation tools through rulemaking related to Automated Valuation Models (AVMs)." AVMs are biased against every home except an average home with no upgrades, no views, in average condition. AVMs cannot see condition, view, additions, upgrades, specific location in a neighborhood (on top of a hill, on a cul-de-sac, next door to industrial property). Garbage In Garbage Out. GIGO. You need a live person to see the type of view, remodel, upgrades... There is no number for view. They should not be used in place of an appraisal because they are not accurate. 

Pg 5. "Update appraiser qualification criteria related to appraiser education, experience, and examination requirements to lower barriers to entry in the appraiser profession." Except for the trainee program, the qualifications are already very low. You don't need a college degree or even a high school diploma. You just need to take the classes, do your hours and pass the test. 

Pg 7. "Expanded use of alternatives to traditional appraisals as a means of reducing the prevalence and impact of appraisal bias." The alternatives are AVMs which are biased against all properties except average ones. Hybrids are also biased. The appraiser does not do the inspection with a hybrid. The inspector who only has 2-3 days of training max will miss major flaws in the home or neighborhood.

Pg 7. "Use of value estimate ranges instead of an exact amount as a means of reducing the impact of racial or ethnic bias in appraisals." How will the loan amount then be determined? As a range as well? 60-80% LTV? Lenders could choose the lower range of the value. Did anyone think through these issues or are these ideas that people just blurted out at a meeting to write on a dry erase board?

Pg 10. "Black Americans who do own homes hold less home equity, on average, than white homeowners." This goes back to income inequality. Whites make more money. People with more money own more expensive home and have more corresponding equity. Whites own more expensive cars than blacks, latinos. Is this also the cause of real estate appraisers?

"An uneven recovery from the 2008 housing crisis cemented these differences: houses in majority white neighborhoods regained value more quickly than those in comparable Black and Latino neighborhoods." This goes back to income inequality. Homes in the lowest price ranges may not have recovered as well initially because they were lower priced originally. The lower the price, the less desirable they are to the market. This is econ 101. 

"Frederick Babcock’s influential 1931 manual “The Valuation of Real Estate,” hypothesizes that neighborhood decline results inevitably from occupation by “…the poorest, most incompetent, and least desirable groups in the city,” and describes how “…racial heritage and tendencies seem to be of paramount importance” in influencing property values." 

They state these ideas were included in the 1933 HOLC which estimated financial risks on a map. This goes back to income inequality and correlation. The first HOLC maps included race, ethnicity and nation of origin in their maps along with many other factors. This was determined to be racist language so race, ethnicity and nation of origin were removed from the maps. All of the other factors are still used today to determine risk. Removing race, ethnicity, nation of origin didn't change the risk. I'm glad they got rid of race, ethnicity and nation of origin.

Not allowing black and other people to live in certain areas was very wrong. I'm grateful the government worked to make that illegal. I'm glad we have the 1968 Civil Rights Act. We've come a long way but have more to go to root out racism and discrimination if it's even possible. We humans may always have an "us" versus "them" mentality based on any factor. 

Pg 14. They argue that appraisers used to over appraise to satisfy lenders, borrowers. They further argue that this "caused" the run up to the great recession. This is false. Appraisers report values. We don't set them. I lived and worked during that run up. Appraisers generally missed the contract price. There were appraisal gaps. We were called "deal killers" back then. Because of today's political climate we are now called "racists." Because the values went down during the great recession some are falsely stating we must have appraised the properties too high originally. We did not. Now the same people are complaining that we're appraising too low. If we appraise at contract, we're in cahoots with lenders. No win situation here. 

Pg 14. "For the purposes of this Action Plan, the Task Force will use the term undervaluation to refer to valuation estimates less than a reasonable estimation of market value, understanding that there is imprecision in that term." What is this "reasonable estimation of market value?" None of these entities have done actual appraisals of their own on any of these properties. Why not compare appraisals to appraisals instead of AVMs or contract price? I believe it's because the results won't fit their agenda. Their agenda is the racist appraiser narrative in order to get votes by POC and people with less money. This is all based on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' campaign promises. FYI I'm a Democrat and voted for them. In this instance they created a problem then promised they alone could solve. This all started during the 2020 campaign. The PAVE task force was basically a campaign promise. What about Kamala's promise to give over $70 billion to black colleges? That's too difficult. So is income inequality. Let's attack appraisers instead and say we're keeping our campaign promise. 

Pg 14. And one paragraph of truth. "In purchase appraisals, when a property appraises at less than the contract price, it may be the sign of an undervaluation. A purchase appraisal below contract price is not necessarily inaccurate or harmful. In fact, an appraiser’s well-considered valuation that is less than a contract price can serve precisely as the control that appraisers are hired to provide. A fully justifiable valuation less than contract price can benefit both the buyer (who may then be prevented from overpaying) and the credit risk holder."

Everyone needs to remember that the appraiser works for the lender and not the seller, buyer, borrower or real estate agent. Our job is to determine risk for the lender and investor. Our job is not to help the seller, buyer make a deal. They can hire their own appraiser to represent themselves if they like. 

Pg 15 If an appraisal comes in lower than the contract price "the buyer (has) to come up with additional funding to make the deal work. Obtaining more funding can be difficult for many borrowers, especially borrowers of color, whose median wealth lags that of white borrowers." Exactly. Whites have more money than POC. People with more money are more likely to be able to pay back a loan. You're not doing a person with less money a favor by getting them into a property they can barely afford. One life emergency and they'll lose their home. You set them up for failure. It's better to help them earn more money and let them save, buy and pay for their own house. They're more likely to make the payments. Getting people with less money into a house with a low or no down payment, lower fees doesn't help them keep their house. I see these people lose their homes. It's horrible. 

Pg 16. "When a neighborhood exhibits a pattern of low appraisals, the cumulative effect is a dampening of home values in that neighborhood, thus reducing the realized wealth of all of the neighborhood’s homeowners." No. If a neighborhood exhibits a pattern of "low" appraisals, it means the neighborhood is worth less. No one dampened the home values but the market. The market is the buyers and sellers the people the government is saying are being lowballed. If that's so, then buyers and sellers are lowballing themselves with their agreed upon contract prices! Appraisers don't set value. We just report it. 

Pg 17. This makes sense except it's not "undervaluation" but "market valuation." "Undervaluation patterns in neighborhoods are not always directly traceable to racial and ethnic bias in individual appraisals. Housing markets with more distressed properties, fewer transactions, or rapid house price growth are correlated with undervaluation. Similarly, one-bedroom, older, and lower-valued properties are correlated with underappraisals."

The PAVE report cites Andre Perry's paper multiple times without naming it. I think it's because they don't want people to Google him or his meaningless non published, non peer reviewed paper. 

Pg 18. The report talks about property tax assessment value and property taxes. Real estate appraisers who work for the lender do not appraise the properties for tax assessment purposes.The county tax assessor does that. Some cities, counties, states base the assessment on recent sales like Texas and some lock in the value upon purchase like California. Appraisers have nothing to do with this. Blame the counties and states. 

Pg 21. I knew this was part of PAVE! "On February 14, 2022, DOJ filed a statement of interest to make clear that the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination in home appraisals. The statement relates to a motion to dismiss filed in Austin, et al. v. Miller, et al. (N.D. Cal.), a private lawsuit alleging that the defendants violated the Fair Housing Act by discriminating on the basis of race in a home appraisal. After the defendants’appraisal, the plaintiffs — a Black couple — erased all evidence of race from their home and had awhite friend pose as the homeowner for a second appraisal, which set the home’s value at nearly$500,000 more. The statement of interest explains that appraisers may be liable under the Fair Housing Act, highlights the United States’ commitment to combat appraisal discrimination, provides an overview of the Fair Housing Act’s broad purpose and remedial intent, and addresses the pleading standard for Fair Housing Act claims."

This is a frivolous and meritless case. There was no bias, discrimination or racism. Black homeowners stated they wanted the appraiser to use comps from "white areas" and not "black areas" directly next to their home. They wanted the appraiser to use comps in Mill Valley over a mile away to appraise their home in Marin. Mill Valley homes are worth twice as much as Marin because they are higher quality homes in the hills with one of the best school districts in the state. Marin city is next to a port area. The area has poorly built federally subsidized telephone pole homes and apartment buildings. Read about this case here.

Pg 26. They're talking about controlling the use of the word "declining market." This generally comes from the 1004MC form. It's a math formula which considers all sales in the neighborhood within the last 12 months. Are list, sale prices going up or down over the last 12 months. That definition is not up to the appraiser but the numbers. 

Pg 26. They're talking about possibly delineating neighborhood boundaries specifically for appraisers. Neighborhood boundaries move and change constantly. The appraiser better knows the neighborhood than a suit in Washington and definitely better than an AVM. Some AVMs like inaccurate Zillow will keep widening the search to look for recent similar sales. It will go miles away into a totally different neighborhood. That is why the Austin case above has Zillow AVM values at the same value as the higher inaccurate second appraisal. More accurate Corelogic AVM values are similar to the lower appraisal value because it did not widen the search to Mill Valley which is worth twice as much. Zillow AVM values were twice Corelogic AVM values. That shows how inaccurate Zillow and AVMs are in general. Of all the AVMs I've seen, Corelogic is the most accurate. They still only kinda work for average homes. 

Pg 28. "While the exact number of instances of valuation bias is difficult to assess, recent media accounts, coupled with data and history regarding lending and appraisal practices, reflect a persistent mis-valuation and undervaluation of properties experienced by borrowers and communities of color."

PAVE members know how many complaints are based on valuation bias. They just don't want to say because most bias, discrimination complaints reported to HUD are based on disability and not color, race. Most complaints per HUD are dismissed. The recent media accounts have been very misleading. I researched all of the major appraisal discrimination stories in this blog and found that the first appraisals were accurate. The later appraisals were over inflated.

Pg 31 I agree that the trainee program for new appraisers is too difficult. I agree with PAREA for some experience. Appraisers still need to know what they are doing. They need hands on experience. I don't agree with eliminating all experience. "Reduce or eliminate AQB experience requirements." You're more likely to get biased appraisers if you do that. I am fine doing away with the college education requirements. You could qualify with other education as it is. There still should be some education at least a high school degree and some community college credits. I don't agree they should just pass a written test. You need to know how to inspect a house, measure it legally, choose comps, make adjustments via regression analysis, statistics, geometry... 

Pg 34. "Empowering consumers to take action." I sure hope they educate these people about what is real appraisal discrimination and what is not. An appraisal that is lower than you want is not bias or discrimination. It's most likely the market. I foresee many false and frivolous complaints. I also see borrowers, sellers threatening appraisers with complaints just to get the value they want. They're already doing it based on the false media articles. Maybe they should also give legal advice and free lawyers for the appraisers who have complaints lodged against them if they are doing the same for the people filing complaints. 

I hope when they inform people about ROV that they educate them about a proper and legal ROV. I've seen some where they ask the appraiser to consider a home sale where the house was twice as big and four miles away. Any new comps must meet the criteria which is basically +/- 15% GLA difference within half mile radius of subject sold and listed within the last 30-90 days preferably or up to six months in similar condition with a similar bed/bath count, view, upgrades and amenities. 

I fully support a goal to "reduce the prevalence and impact of racial and ethnic bias in residential property valuation." While there are racists in every profession I just don't see racial and ethnic bias to be a major problem in appraising. Real estate appraisals are based on a math formula. Actual appraisers are needed to get the data to put in the math formula. We select our comps based on a math formula before we physically step foot in a home. We know 99% of the value before we enter the home. We generally don't see the seller, buyer, borrower or neighbors. We generally don't know the race, color, religion ... of the homeowners, buyers or borrowers of the subject or the homes that sold or are listed.

Mary Cummins of Cummins Real Estate is a certified residential licensed appraiser in Los Angeles, California. Mary Cummins is licensed by the California Bureau of Real Estate appraisers and has over 35 years of experience.

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